The post-doctoral candidate will join the Spectroscopy at atomic scale group at the Centro de Fisica de Materiales. The group focuses its research activity on the understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena occurring at local scale on surfaces. Our main research tools are scanning probe techniques (as scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy as well as atomic force imaging) in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) at temperatures down to 1 Kelvin. We are looking for an enthusiastic and self-motivated post-doctoral person able to enjoy scientific work working independently as well as in team. The successful candidate will develop and/or reinforce one or more of the following projects:
On-surface polymerization of organic molecules leading to the formation of covalently bonded organic structures on different substrates.
Formation and characterization of surfaces of topological insulators and of their interfaces with metals or semi-metals Previous experience with scanning probe techniques, ultra-high vacuum environment and low temperatures are required. Programming languages (Labview, Mathlab) are preferable.
Contact person: Lucia Vitali (lucia.vitali(at)
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