Abstract: Modification of the surface groups of dendrimers is one of the methods to improve their biocompatibility. This article presents results of experiments related to the toxicity of a modified polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer of the fourth generation with 4-carbomethoxypyrrolidone surface groups (PAMAM-pyrrolidone dendrimer). The cytotoxic… Abstract: Modification of the surface groups of dendrimers is one of the methods to improve their biocompatibility. This article presents results of experiments related to the toxicity of a modified polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer of the fourth generation with 4-carbomethoxypyrrolidone surface groups (PAMAM-pyrrolidone dendrimer). The cytotoxic activity of the dendrimer was tested on Chinese hamster fibroblasts (B14), embryonic mouse hippocampal cells (mHippoE-18) and rat liver derived cells (BRL-3A). The same cell lines were used to investigate the influence of pyrrolidone dendrimer on the mitochondrial membrane potential, intracellular ROS level and its ability to induce apoptosis or necrosis. The analyzed dendrimer showed only minor toxicity and no ability to induce apoptosis. The most important finding is the lack of influence of the PAMAM-pyrrolidone dendrimer on intracellular ROS level and mitochondrial membrane potential.From the Clinical Editor: The authors demonstrate that pyrrolidone-functionalized PAMAM dendrimers have very low toxicity in the tested cell lines, as evidenced by no alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential and no increase of ROS production.Graphical Abstract: This article reports results of experiments related to the toxicity of modified polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimer with 4-carbomethoxypyrrolidone surface groups (PAMAM-pyrrolidone dendrimer). Performed experiments give evidence that analyzed dendrimer does not influence mitochondrial membrane potential and intracellular ROS level. This fact is important, as, besides the formation of nanopores in cell membranes, unmodified PAMAM dendrimers are believed to evoke toxic effects through the increase of ROS intracellular level and damage of mitochondria.
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